วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

To Be Run Eclipse Project On Snow Leopard

Once after you install eclipse on Mac and not prepare anything for this program at first.
Then you will see this error.
“Launch Failed. Binary Not Found.”

First you should install X-Code for Mac programming environment.

If it still not solved.

Second you should config your project to compile with 32-bits architecture (default is 64 bits)
Go to Project > Properties > C/C++ Builds > Settings > Tool Settings
In the tree list box under Mac OS X C++ Linker select Miscellaneous and look at right side.
in the linker flag box add "-arch i386"
In the tree list box under gcc C++ Compiler too. Add the "-arch i386" to linker flag.

everything for initial is then solved. :D
